"He is Christ The Lord"

Dec 17, 2023    Jim Moynihan

"He is Christ The Lord"

Digital Bulletin - https://mailchi.mp/alliancechurch/he-is-christ-the-lord

Questions for Personal Reflection/Group Discussion:

1.     In your own words, summarize what is the “good news” or Gospel according to Paul? How does this compare to the good news or Gospel according to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John?

2.     How is the good news powerfully taught throughout the Epistles (the letters to the churches) built upon the good news seen throughout the Gospels?

3.     How did God prove that Jesus is both Lord and Christ? (Acts 2:36)

4.     What was the purpose of what someone has called “the missing middle” of the Gospels? That is, why did the Gospel writers take so much time to describe all the teachings and miracles of Jesus between His birth and death/resurrection?

5.     How does it impact you to know that the message of the Gospels is to declare in power that God Himself is King and Lord over all the kingdoms of this world and will one day return to establish His Kingdom over every other kingdom? (Revelation 11:15)