"Jesus, The Anointed One"

Dec 10, 2023    Jim Moynihan

"Jesus, The Anointed One"

Digital Bulletin - https://mailchi.mp/alliancechurch/jesus-the-anointed-one

Questions for Personal Reflection/Group Discussion  

1.     What gets you most excited about seeing Jesus someday?

2.     Why is the message of to repent and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ such good news to those who are poor in spirit?

3.     How has Jesus set us free, not only from the penalty of sin, but from the power of sin? 

4.     How have you experienced Jesus as a Comforter?

5.     How does it impact you to know that we are still living in the “year of the LORD’s favor” but looming ahead of us is the “day of vengeance of our God”?