"Masters and Slaves"

Nov 5, 2023    Jim Moynihan

"Masters and Slaves"

Digital Bulletin - https://mailchi.mp/alliancechurch/masters-and-slaves-16131613

Questions for Personal Reflection/Group Discussion:

1.     If you someone UNDER authority, what might it look like to submit/obey with all due respect, sincerity of heart, and integrity of character? Brainstorm several ideas.

2.     If you someone IN authority, what might it look like to lead with all due respect, sincerity of heart, and integrity of character? Also, to NOT leverage your power to manipulate or control. Brainstorm several ideas.

3.     What might it look like to endure unjust suffering because I am conscious of God?

4.     Have you thought about the idea of facing persecution? If so, what kind of emotions and thoughts does this stir? How might we challenge one another to be ready to suffer for the cause of Christ?