Against Such Things There is No Law

Nov 7, 2021    Rob Bustin

"Against Such Things There is No Law"
Digital Bulletin--

Personal Reflection/Group Discussion Questions
1. How would you define a Government that was following the command of God that was given to it. How would you define one that wasn’t?

2. How would you describe what is indicative of a Christian?

3. How are we to be walking out the role of Royal Priests and Ambassadors of the Kingdom right now?

4. How can you respond when faced with an unjust law given by a Government that was still functioning within God’s standards?

5. If tomorrow an unjust government were to rise up, in what ways could we continue on the “railroad” tracks and respond to continue living our lives reflecting Christ?

6. What is the weapon the enemy so often uses to try to get us off the railroad tracks? What steps can we take today to guard against that weapon?